
Derived from an unlimited stem cell source, our cell therapy platform will ultimately transform the treatment of liver disease. We are initially targeting acute and acute-on-chronic liver failure, the most challenging conditions that currently rely on liver transplantation as the only line of treatment.

ReLiver® has been designed to be:
Used as an allogeneic cell therapy
Implantable via minimally invasive surgery
Fully functional upon implantation
Easily removed without sequelae once the patient’s liver regenerates
Does not require immunosuppression
Can be cryopreserved for on-demand use

Pre-clinical data supports that ReLiver® :
Maintains metabolic function for >18 weeks
Restores liver function in representative small and large animal models of acute and acute-on-chronic liver failure, improving survival and treating hepatic encephalopathy
Is safe: cells are contained within the implant, the implant is transient and easily removed
Effectively evades the host immune system, with no rejection or inflammation